Team Patterns

Fuel+ Founders

Behind every success, there is a dedicated and passionate team. Get to know the faces driving our mission forward.

Alexander Bennett
Olivia Mitchell
Sophia Anderson
Ava Johnson
Noah Parker
Isabella Edwards

Fuel+ Marketing

Behind every success, there is a dedicated and passionate team. Get to know the faces driving our mission forward.

Mia Carter
Benjamin Foster
Harper Walker
Samuel Harrison
Emma Sullivan
Amelia Turner
Charlotte Hayes
Mason Reynolds
Lily Bennett

Daniel Bennett

Daniel Bennett is a visionary leader and the driving force behind Fuel+, a dynamic company at the forefront of the plant-based and organic powder chocolate industry. With a passion for health, sustainability, and innovation, Ava has taken the helm as CEO to steer Fuel+ toward new horizons.

Rose Mitchell

Rose Mitchell is a dynamic and influential figure in the world of plant-based and organic powder chocolate, serving as the visionary CEO behind Fuel+. With a passion for health, a commitment to sustainable practices, and a taste for innovation, Ava has become a leading force in the industry.

Ava Bennett

Ava Bennett is a dynamic and influential figure in the world of plant-based and organic powder chocolate, serving as the visionary CEO behind Fuel+. With a passion for health, a commitment to sustainable practices, and a taste for innovation, Ava has become a leading force in the industry.

Get to know us

Our Team

Meet the talented individuals behind the scenes who drive our company success. Learn about the diverse expertise, dedication, and passion that make our team a driving force in achieving our mission.

Rose Mitchell

CEO & Product Designer

Daniel Bennett

Social Manager

Maryann Alpine

Product Designer

Daniel Bennett

Daniel Bennett is a visionary leader and the driving force behind Fuel+, a dynamic company at the forefront of the plant-based and organic powder chocolate industry. With a passion for health, sustainability, and innovation, Ava has taken the helm as CEO to steer Fuel+ toward new horizons.

Rose Mitchell

Rose Mitchell is a dynamic and influential figure in the world of plant-based and organic powder chocolate, serving as the visionary CEO behind Fuel+. With a passion for health, a commitment to sustainable practices, and a taste for innovation, Ava has become a leading force in the industry.

Ava Bennett

Ava Bennett is a dynamic and influential figure in the world of plant-based and organic powder chocolate, serving as the visionary CEO behind Fuel+. With a passion for health, a commitment to sustainable practices, and a taste for innovation, Ava has become a leading force in the industry.